Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Carte de Visite show preview (part 2)

I popped by Gigantic tonight to see how the hanging was coming along and I was able to snap a pic of my stuff on the wall:

As you can see, these are pretty far from my normal style. Each piece is a 4x6 ballpoint pen drawing with several acrylic layers over the top. Per Erin's brilliance, the series is now officially called PopSkulls. They are priced at $20 each or $50 for 3.

The show is tomorrow (March 7th) at Gigantic Gallery and starts at 5:30pm. This is going to be an awesome show, especially if you are looking for some art but are on a budget, so stop by and say hello! Here are some more teaser pics, and if you want, read on for some more explanation of my process:

Walls in progress

Richard's pile o' art

Some notes on the process: 

So, I gotta say, it's an interesting balancing act to make stuff really affordable but still a solid piece of art. At $20 each, I'll only net $13 after the gallery takes it's cut, so the goal was to use my time wisely. Most of the skulls were drawn during my lunch breaks, time that would have probably been wasted otherwise, so that was cool. The paint, however, ended up taking much longer than I anticipated. Originally I had planed on simple ink spatters, so I drew the skulls on bristol board. When I switched to the acrylic idea, somewhat late in the game, I realized there would be some pretty significant warping issues. Each drawing had to be taped, painted, then flattened and mounted. Yikes. I think it was worth it for the end product, but I'd probably do it differently in the future. Anyway, it was a good learning experience and I'm glad I tried some new stuff, but I'm ready to get back to 'normal' painting. I bought some gouache to experiment with, so look out for some new stuff in the near future! Till then...

Love and monkeys,

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