Friday, June 28, 2013

ShogunTK Awesomeness (updated)

I've been a big fan of Ashley Wood's art for some time, so when I just recently found out he made toys under the brand ThreeA, I freaked out. I have no idea how I didn't know this earlier (probably because I'm more of a bookstore guy than interwebber) but I quickly spent much of my moneyz buying what I could before my bank account yelled at me. My first purchase (back in December) was the Tomorrow King SHOGUN Gorei, but because it was a preorder, it just arrived yesterday. Because I am a nerd, I started taking photos:

Yes, that is a pig skull.

'lectric death cords?

The sword has a sheath!

Then I realized I had a test painting I did awhile ago that would work as a perfect background:

After about 10 shots I realized the light direction was reversed..hehe
Rotated my photo shoot and finally got this one, which I think is pretty badass.
I did these in low natural light with a bit of adjustment in RAW, but they came out pretty decent. Anyway, I'm no toy expert, but Gorei (thats his name I guess) is awesome and my 12-year-old self is very happy. That is all.

Monday, June 17, 2013

New Prints!

With the store up and active, I was highly motivated get my butt in gear and managed to get four more prints color corrected and available for your purchasing pleasure! The most exciting (for me at least) is the print of "Octdoughnut", which has never been offered before:
Right now most of the prints are right around 8"x10", but if there are any favorites people want to see bigger, drop a comment/e-mail and I'll see what I can do. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hello happy travelers. I am quite excited to announce that after years of promises, tons of false starts and general not-getting-it-doneness, I finally have my own online store! It is just a soft launch for now, with only the "Murakami's Women" series available, but it's up and active and ready to take all your moneyz! Here it is:

The other big news here is that there is FINALLY a print of Sumire to complete the Murakami's Women Triptych:

"Sumire" (8 x 10 print)

Looks great right? Prints in the series are $25 each or you can get the whole set for $65 with free shipping in the US!

 Anyway, check back often because I'll be adding new prints each week as I make time to color adjust for my new printer, including a few exclusives that have never been sold in galleries. Also, don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter because I'll be announcing new items there as well.